Vitamins and Vision: Nourish Your Precious Eyes

in General 01 January 1999

It has long been established in the public view that we need a good nutritional intake to help us to stay healthy overall but only recently has there been more awareness of the benefits of vitamins when it comes to protecting and nourishing the health of your eyes.

Most attention has been on the positive effects of vitamins and minerals when it comes to trying to combat the effects of age-related eye conditions such as AMD.

AMD and cataracts

AMD is an acronym for age-related macular-degeneration and it is an eye condition that affects a small part of the retina at the back of your eye, known as the macula. The exact cause of AMD is not yet known but there are several suggested causes such as age, your gender, whether you smoke, what you eat and how much exposure you have to direct sunlight.

Cataracts are a very common eye condition that many of us will have heard of and it occurs as we get older and the lens inside our eye gradually changes and loses transparency, leading to misty or cloudy vision.

Maintaining good vision

In order to maintain good vision you may want to get yourself a set of cheap contact lenses and you should also consider getting your eyes checked at least once every two years or at shorter intervals if you have already been confirmed as having an eye condition that needs checking regularly.

Another way that you can give your eyes the best chance of maintaining good vision and staying healthy for as long as possible is to consider the vitamins that you take, some of which have specific properties that can boost the health of your eyes.

Why good nutrition is important

You can make a positive impact on your general health and wellbeing with good nutrition and you can also make a positive contribution towards good eye health in particular if you have a balanced diet that includes plenty of the right vitamins and minerals.

An example of why good nutrition is important can be found when you look at the condition called xerophthalmia, which is a common cause of childhood blindness in poor and developing countries. A lack of Vitamin A in your diet would be the main cause for the onset of this condition and whilst in the developed world, we are fortunate enough to not suffer from such a severe lack of nutrition, it does at least highlight the importance of a good diet to protect our general health and our eyesight.

Good food for eye nutrition

A number of general studies and clinical trials found that the antioxidant vitamins found in certain foods have been linked positively with eye health. To give your eyes the best chance of staying healthy and serving you well you should consider a regular intake of vitamins A,C and E.

These vitamins are found in a great number of fruit and vegetables such as oranges, tomatoes peppers, raw carrots, green leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach and broccoli.

So nourish your eyes and look after the rest of your body at the same time with a healthy diet that includes plenty of delicious fruit and vegetables.

Michael Anderson is a nutrition counselor of several years. When he's not in his office, he likes to help others by writing on various health and wellness blog sites.

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