Top Tips for Creating the life You Want

in General 08 April 2016

Top Tips for Creating the Life You Want
By Kim Wymer


• Write down your goals and dreams and also visualise them. We have two sides to our brain: the left side is our logical side and it thinks in words and it is able to plan. It makes lists and also retrieves facts and figures. The right side is our creative side and it thinks in pictures and concepts. This is our intuitive side and it’s fabulous at putting pieces of information together. So by writing down what you want and visualising at the same time you have a much better chance of success. It will not happen overnight, like anything, you need to work at it.


• Some people find it hard to visualise, so this is where a vision board comes in. I have made many of these over the years to help me achieve what I wanted and I found they worked for me. It may seem childish to make a vision board, but hey, never lose your inner child! Its fun and can help you to relax by getting creative. You just need a piece of card in whatever size feels right and research images that relate to your goals, images that make you feel good or find pictures in magazines. Cut them out and stick them to your card and display it somewhere in your home. Or buy a corkboard and pin images to that. Start with small goals and work your way up. Put the vision board somewhere you will see it regularly.


• Affirm to yourself on a daily basis what you want in any area of your life. Start with a couple of affirmations to get used to. Say them in the present tense as if you have already achieved them. This re-programmes your brain to a new way of thinking. So by repeating them it will set you on a path to change and give you a new self-belief. It takes practice, and you may feel silly talking to yourself or if you are looking at the mirror while saying them. However, if it’s funny it’s also good for you! Laughing is a medicine too!


• Accept 100% personal responsibility for the choices you make in your life and that you are responsible for the direction of your life. You cannot blame others for what you have chosen. It is wise to recognise that you should take an honest look at your attitude, your abilities and your positive points. It’s unfair to say life is unfair, that you were born unlucky or blame others for your past mistakes. As adults we are individuals solely responsible for ourselves.


• We can train our brains into a different way of thinking. We can change from negative to positive. It takes determination and practice. Holding on to negative emotions or being with negative thinking people can hold us back in life. How much do you want change? We have to learn to give ourselves positive self-talk and also treat others as we wish to be treated; you get back what you give out. If you live with a negative person, focus on what you like about them, focus on their good side, notice and compliment them, show them how it’s done.


• Give out kindness and loving thoughts even to people who you don’t particularly like. They will soon notice. Be grateful for even the smallest things in life. Be grateful for the people in your life. Try not to take anything or anyone for granted. Our life is a gift and time goes by quickly. So live for today.

Work Smart

• Working smart towards the kind of life you want takes time and determination. It is important to work on yourself. Become aware of the thoughts you are having, the statements you are making and the feelings you are feeling. Make sure they are positive, trust in yourself and your abilities. You are a fantastic, unique human being and our brains are extremely powerful. We sometimes have to push ourselves out of our comfort zone to achieve the next level. Take baby steps at this and practice makes perfect. Never give up at what you want to achieve, take training courses and even if it becomes a hobby at first the more positive you are, the happier your life will be. When you are clear about what you want, the path will become clear for you. If you want this to last, then never give up. Once you have changed and you and others around you notice a difference, you will not want to go back.

(Kim Wymer is a qualified Positive Empowerment Coach and runs Positive Thinking Talks in the Romford and surrounding areas. She offers one on one sessions and works with people UK wide. For more information please click here to visit Kim's website.)